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Monday, February 11, 2013

Etsy: Beaded Friendship Bracelets

I love the way these beaded bracelets turned out! I have customizable options in my Etsy shop: pick your thread color and bead color. I think they make super cute friendship bracelets, but I also just like them for everyday wear. They're comfortable and add just enough sparkle. They have a special meaning to me, serving as reminder bracelets. I know we want to have more kids one day, but I really need to get healthy first. It's hard, and a lot of work, and a lot of times I forget how important it is. So I wear one of these on each wrist (because I can't eat junk food without my hands). They represent the son (brown) or daughter (pink) that will join our family once I can get healthy enough. Now every time I reach for something, I see my bracelet and ask myself if it will help bring me closer to my goal. So far it's working!

Get yours here!

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